Emirate Bank offers special services for travelers

Emirate Bank Mashreq has launched a program for travelers, which will help its customers get a lot of benefits from using debit and credit cards.

So, now all cardholders can buy on credit tickets of any airline to anywhere in the world and pay it in equal installments for six months at a zero interest rate. Tickets can be ordered both at the offices of carriers and on Internet sites.

Another service needed on vacation is free travel insurance. Comprehensive travel insurance includes medical expenses, compensation for inconvenience, insurance against loss, theft, damage to acquired property and materiel. This service is offered free of charge to holders of Mashreq platinum or titanium credit or platinum debit cards.

Nimis Dwivedi, head of the payout department, said: “When travel becomes a key aspect of our client’s life, we need to take care of every detail during the tour booking process. Our travel program focuses on saving, protecting and comforting - all key points of travel planning. With the ability to fly "wherever and not thinking about paying interest, free insurance and great discounts on tours, the client can plan the tour of his dreams."

Until June 30, all Mashreq card holders can get a 15% discount on flights and travel packages to popular resorts in Europe,

Asia, the Middle East and Africa when ordering tours from SNTTA, Make My Trip and Air Arabia. In addition, this will give them the opportunity to receive additional bonuses of the Salaam benefits program: up to five points when spending each dirham (US $ 0.27) when paying with credit cards and one point for each dirham when paying with debit cards. In addition, now abroad, for cardholders of the bank, a commission will not be charged for receiving cash from an ATM.

Watch the video: Emirates Airline FOOD REVIEW - Bangkok to Dubai to Munich. Layover at Dubai International Airport (July 2024).