A new European-style alley opens in Abu Dhabi

The new Walk at Al Seef Boulevard in Abu Dhabi with local shops and restaurants is ready to receive visitors.

On Thursday, a new European-style alley opened in Abu Dhabi, where residents and tourists can experience a new shopping experience in the capital.

Opened by Muhammad Khalifa Al Mubarak, chair of the Department of Culture and Tourism of Abu Dhabi, The Walk at Al Seef is designed to be an ideal family destination, suitable for visitors of all ages.

“We believe The Walk at Al Seef will offer something completely unique to Abu Dhabi with its retail and restaurant facilities in a family-friendly environment that was designed to convey the culture of European cafes,” said Angus Woodhead, General Manager Al Seef Retail.

“Well-known brands and stores have been carefully selected to offer affordable and high-quality family-run establishments, as well as great opportunities for people who want a healthy lifestyle,” he added.

Angus explained that the idea of ​​the alley was in development for three years.

“It was a project that appeared about three years ago. The idea of ​​the boulevard was to popularize it not only among tourists, but also among residents and expats. The Department of Culture and Tourism calls this place a“ hidden treasure, ”he said.

“This is an incredibly family-friendly place,” he added, “there are no cars here, and so people can just enjoy the atmosphere of the Mediterranean and European style.”

Woodhead also said that the new street aims to support local businesses - 80 percent of the stores will be presented to local brands opening their first or second stores.

"We are very interested in supporting local enterprises, we want to invite them here so that they use this place to start, and make the alley an incubator for them," he added.

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