Cultural exchange

Text: Natalia Remmer


World History in 100 Items

From April 23 to August 2, for 100 days, in the Manarat exhibition complex on the island of Saadiyat, in honor of the imminent opening of the Sheikh Zayed National Museum, the British Museum's History of the World in 100 Objects exposition is open.

The museum collection tells visitors about the main milestones in the development of world culture and the role of the Middle East in its formation. The collection includes such iconic cultural values ​​as the Jewish astrolabe - a device for determining latitude and one of the oldest astronomical instruments - and a sculpture of the Mexican Huastec, a representative of the Indian people in Mexico, belonging to the Mayan language group. Visitors will be able to learn how the world shaped a person, or vice versa - how a person shaped a world.

Sheikh Sultan bin Tahnun Al Nahyan, head of the Department of Tourism and Culture of Abu Dhabi, said: "I am sure that this exhibition will be very interesting for residents and guests of the emirate, and I think that its appearance in Abu Dhabi is another important step on the path to shaping the cultural identity of the people of the UAE. "

Neil McGregor, director of the British Museum, added: "I am glad that Abu Dhabi was chosen as our first venue for the exhibition of this collection. I believe that the future Sheikh Zayed National Museum should definitely include exhibits that will help humanity in understanding of the world around him and his history. "

Recall that the National Museum of Sheikh Zayed will also have a cultural orientation. Its main topics will be religion and Islam, peoples and heritage, science and research. All kinds of seminars and master classes will also be held as part of the exposition.

The Sheikh Zayed National Museum will be part of a large museum project on Saadiyat Island. The museum will be devoted to the history of the unification of the emirates and their development into a modern state under Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, whom the inhabitants of the UAE call the "father of the nation." The main goal of creating the museum is not only to familiarize the residents and guests of Abu Dhabi with the cultural past of the emirate, but also to demonstrate the involvement of the Emirates in the formation of world cultural values.

The Birth of the Museum in Paris

The “Birth of the Museum” exposition first leaves the Manarat Pavilion on the island of Saadiyat in Abu Dhabi and leaves for the Louvre in Paris.

From May 2 to June 28, more than 160 exhibits of the permanent collection of the exhibition "Birth of a Museum" will be in the main museum of Paris. The main idea of ​​such an exchange is to acquaint visitors in absentia with the general stylistic and semantic orientation of the future Louvre Museum in Abu Dhabi, the opening of which this collection of museum values ​​was dedicated to. This collection includes ancient artifacts from around the world, including Egypt, Turkey, Greece and Mali. The general idea and idea of ​​the exhibition is to collect in one place the most significant evidence of the geographical, national and historical experience of mankind.

At the end of next year, the first of the planned museum complexes, the Louvre Abu Dhabi, will be built on Saadiyat Island, and two years later the new Guggenheim Museum and the Sheikh Zayed National Museum will be adjacent to it. Located in the historical and cultural region of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, the new Louvre will embody the history of various civilizations and peoples - from the oldest to the modern.

Sheikh Sultan bin Tahnun Al Nahyan said: “It is very pleasant for us that this exhibition will gain significance and attract attention at the international level. This event is not only a milestone for the Louvre Abu Dhabi Museum, but also an important step in the cultural dialogue between the UAE and France "

The collections of the future museum have been presented several times in the UAE at specially organized exhibitions. Last year, the birth of a museum exhibition was first seen by residents and guests of Abu Dhabi.

Watch the video: Culture Exchange Creates Social Change: Andrew Lewis at TEDxWesternU (July 2024).