After all expatriates receive Emirates ID, the labor card in the UAE will be canceled

After the adoption of a new decree by the Ministry of Labor of the United Arab Emirates in the second half of 2012, expatriates will no longer need a Labor Card, since it will be completely replaced by a national identification card (Emirates National ID).

"Once the UAE completes the registration and issuance of Emirates National ID to all expatriates, the management of the UAE Identification Authority (EIDA) will decide to cancel labor cards," said Sakr Gobash, UAE Minister of Labor.

According to Gobash, the UAE Ministry of Labor is about to cancel labor cards as soon as EIDA asks for it. "Expatriates do not need to receive and have so many documents with them, an identification card can replace them all," Gobash added.

Watch the video: UAE Expats - Before You Sign The Employment Contract In The UAE - Watch This! (July 2024).