Tateossian London: Lucky Cufflinks

Interviewed: Elena Olkhovskaya, Natalia Remmer


The secret is in the combination of materials: leather, semiprecious stones and metals in cufflinks, bracelets, earrings and watches, which makes them exactly those jewelry that just needs to be worn this season. Robert Tateossian personally spoke about the latest finds and trends in the luxury fashion market.

Robert, very nice to see you again in Dubai. Please tell us about your new collection in 2012. You are known in the world as the "king of cufflinks", but we see that the product lines have expanded - watches, bracelets, and other accessories have appeared.

Two major events have occurred in the company recently. We opened new branded boutiques in London (now we have 5, not 2), where we presented premium collections in combinations of gold and silver, gold and diamonds.

A couple of years ago, we had only two main lines of cufflinks - silver and from alternative materials. Today, the market has revived, and there is a demand for more expensive and noble jewelry.

The second, and, in my opinion, the most important thing is the phenomenon of the rise in popularity of bracelets. If a couple of years ago we had 6-7 of them in the collection, today bracelets have become an integral part of the wardrobe of many men: metrosexuals, fashion people, people of creative professions. You know, some of our clients don’t take them off even during sleep. It is believed that this is a symbol of good luck. We have widely presented bracelets in the new collection "Britain".

Tell us more about it, please.

Two historical events will take place in London this year - the “diamond” anniversary of the British Queen’s reign and the 2012 Summer Olympics. The focus of our attention is the colors of the national flag of Misty Albion: blue, red and white. Bracelets are made of Italian leather, decorated with symbols of the royal court - the image of the crown of Elizabeth II and the famous coat of arms of the Prince of Wales. But these are the colors of the Russian flag too! And more French ...

Yes indeed. Perhaps that is why they are so popular among Russian buyers. And they get bracelets from the Britannia collection right away with whole sets. Apparently, also for luck (laughs).

How many ordinary men need bracelets to look really fashionable?

ABOUT! There are no restrictions on jewelry. This is the attitude in the first place. A bracelet, cufflinks, other accessories are purchased for both work and evening outlets. If we talk about cufflinks, then there must be at least three obligatory (classical) options - silver (for any costume), blue - the colors of the sea, and black. This is a kind of gentleman's set.

By the way, many people think that cufflinks are worn mainly in Europe or the USA. They are wrong. Cufflinks are incredibly popular in the Middle East, especially in Saudi Arabia and Qatar, where they are traditionally worn on the sleeves of men's national clothing - djdashi.

Which of the Robert Tateossian cufflinks are the number one bestseller in the world?

It is impossible to believe in it, but these are cufflinks in an absolutely "techno-style" - in the form of a skeleton movement or just a watch dial. Perhaps because they are more courageous and better combined with various gadgets and expensive cars, symbolizing the eternal forward movement. Surprisingly, we spend so much time and effort to create a classic design of cufflinks, but "new technologies" were at the peak of demand. In third place in popularity, of course, are our famous globe-shaped cufflinks, which also reflect the modern man’s lifestyle: “Always on the move”!

Robert, do you continue to release limited collections of rare stones cufflinks?

Yes. This year we created a limited edition Spazio, where we used real meteorite fragments and relic dinosaur bones in gold and silver. In total, 25 pairs of cufflinks of each kind are issued. These are not unique, but very rare products. They are more affordable in price than cufflinks from other Rare Stones gem collections.

One day at an interview with Montblanc, we asked if they knew how many historical documents were signed with their fountain pens. If we talk about your business, do you know which of the great politicians of our time wears Robert Tateossian cufflinks?

I would like to know that! I know that the President of Armenia wears them (laughs). Honestly, you gave me a great thought. I should to study this question.

What's in your immediate plans?

We already operate in more than 50 countries - from Europe and Russia to Saudi Arabia. Our products are presented in more than a thousand stores. The Tateossian London boutique can be found in the Moscow Central Department Store, we opened a representative office in Yerevan last year, and in the near future there are shops in Tbilisi and Kiev, possibly in St. Petersburg. I must say that on a global scale in the segment of luxury accessories we have no equal. The Tateossian London brand is number one in the world!

Watch the video: Top 10 Men'S Cufflinks. UK New & Popular 2017 (July 2024).