And again “Russian Seasons” with “M Premier”

On May 4 and 5, 2012, M Premiere held two gala concerts by composer, musician and singer Igor Sarukhanov as part of the traditional Russian Seasons in Dubai. Concerts were held in the luxurious Al Falak banquet hall of the Burj Al Arab hotel.

The guests gathered to the accompaniment of the quartet Yevgeny Morozov and talked over welcome cocktails. This was followed by a gourmet dinner prepared by the best chefs of the hotel. After which, to the applause of the public, Igor Sarukhanov, one of the most romantic performers of the Russian stage, appeared on the stage.

The Honored Artist of Russia, the famous guitarist and author of 300 love songs once again captivated the audience with his unique manner of performing lyrical compositions, creating a soulful and romantic atmosphere in a small and cozy room.

The sponsor of the gala evenings - Lombard Odier & Cie Banking House - presented their information catalog to the guests. Founded in 1796, it is the oldest private bank in Geneva and one of the largest in Switzerland and Europe. The bank’s international network, consisting of more than 20 offices in 17 countries of the world, allows maintaining close contacts with markets in the main financial centers of the planet. MaximiliaN jewelry house presented to the public exquisite jewelry from its latest collections. Amazing products with unique Colombian emeralds, Burmese rubies and rare sapphires did not leave indifferent even the most sophisticated connoisseurs and connoisseurs of jewelry.

The concert was sponsored by the famous multi-brand department store Saks Fifth Avenue, which is one of the best specialized retailers in the world, famous for its excellent collections of American and international brands, delighting the audience with valuable gifts. Each viewer got a gift certificate for purchasing goods at Saks Fifth Avenue. Elite wine company Fine Wine Vault Ltd shared with the guests of the evening information about the most famous wines of the French provinces of Bordeaux and Burgundy. This company specializes in organizing exclusive individual wine tours of the most prestigious chateaux in France, as well as compiling wine collections.

And, finally, the winner of the raffle became the lucky winner of a handmade Persian rug from Ganbarinina. Both nights ended with a dance program.

Watch the video: "Russian seasons" in Italy. Ca' Foscari University of Venice, (July 2024).