Sky. Aircraft. Travolta


A beautiful winter day in Dubai. I come to one of my favorite places - Madinat Jumeirah. The time is about 3 pm. A light breeze blows, seagulls scream, wooden boats glide quietly through the canals. Going down to Malakiya Villa, one of the best in the hotel complex, where John stayed for two days. "Why only two days?" I wonder. John just smiles at that, and at that moment you understand why John Travolta is John Travolta. This smile ... So open, generous and sincere that you immediately want to tell him all the secrets and talk heart to heart. At the same time, John is far from being a superficial person, his eyes give out a delicate and complex nature, which has had a lot to go through and overcome a lot.

John has two passions - cinema and aviation, and he began to fly planes independently before acting in films. Both passions were embodied in separate successful areas of his career. "When I was a child, I planted two grains - I dreamed of becoming a pilot and actor. Both grains came up and grew into large trees. In this regard, I’m very lucky. I believe that if you pay attention to something, it grows and develops in your mind.

You have to think about what you want to achieve, and slowly it will begin to appear in your life. But thinking is not enough, you need to apply energy to make a dream come true. Then even a small aspiration turns into a huge vision. "Today, John has more than two hundred film roles behind him, two awards for his contribution to world cinema, as well as his own runway in a house in Florida, which rests right on the front door. His park the airliners include the corporate Challenger Bombardier 601, an Eclipse 500 jet for personal flights over short distances, and has already served its Boeing 707, on which it flew for more than 16 years and which now affectionately calls “art piece in my backyard.” It was on it that John delivered the humanitarian cargo in Haiti in Remy earthquake 2010.

I ask, what did he experience at the moment when the Boeing first flew into the air? His eyes flash instantly. He straightens his shoulders, and I see a man in front of me, completely passionate about his hobby. "When your most cherished childhood dream comes true, it is impossible to convey in words! I remember when I squeezed the control lever, when the engines started to roar and the plane began to take off from the ground - I experienced unlimited power and incredible freedom. I felt like a giant eagle soaring above the ground. Lord of the world. It was grandiose. " - "And not even a second worried?" “Nothing can cause my anxiety in the air,” he assures me. “I put so much effort and time into training, I attended flight schools three times a year for many years, and therefore at that moment I was not afraid of anything. I was absolutely sure of what I'm doing. "

I pay attention to his Breitling watch with a black dial. Noticing my gaze, he reaches forward. For the uninitiated, this is the Emergency II model, equipped with a satellite communication sensor, and if you suddenly get lost in the desert, something happens to you in the mountains or you fall through the snow at a ski resort, then lifeguards will find you. “For starters, it's just a beautiful watch,” John explains.

“But they were created not so much to show time, but to save lives.” This is what impresses me the most about Breitling. The first model of this watch, with which 20 people were saved, had only one communication frequency. But the Emergency II model is already equipped with a more advanced satellite transmitter and can accurately show your location. "

I look at John and think how good and young he looks in his 60s. Blue eyes, full of life, a smooth tanned face, a large head (a hallmark of cinematography and an incredibly sought-after feature in Hollywood), black, slightly long hair. He is wearing a black cotton T-shirt, navy jeans and a jacket — almost Vincent Vega from Pulp Fiction.

And nothing that has passed since 20 years - he looks the same. He often smiles, and this is what remains in his memory for a long time. His appearance is peculiar, but he is damn charming. And certainly in life he is much prettier than in photographs. Communicating with him is easy, he is relaxed, gesticulates and jokes a lot. People who have achieved such success are always unusual. They are given by nature what the rest do not have, whether it is charisma, special energy, or simply perseverance and discipline, which lead to success. In his case, most likely, all together, but John certainly can not be called spoiled. “I felt my first interest in airplanes when I was only three years old. At 15 I started taking flight lessons. I remember my first airplane was a small single-engine Aircoupe, then I switched to twin-engine, and then I came to jets. In 1998- "I got a license to fly a Boeing 707, and in 2003 I became a Boeing 747 pilot. And a couple of years ago in Brisbane, Australia, I became the first freelance pilot to fly an A380 airbus." Today, after some lull, John's acting career has gone up again.

In recent years, he has been involved in several major projects, and in 2015 we will be able to see four pictures with his participation at once. This is The Forger (a crime drama about an artist from God and a fraudster who agrees to perform one major fake Monet to save his son), the brilliant thriller Criminal Activities, the classic western In a Valley of Violence, where he played in a place with Ethan Hawke, and thriller Life on the Line.

John admits that during his life he played a huge number of roles and had the opportunity to chat with many prominent people. But the memory of the most powerful impressions was left by two people - Marlon Brando and Bill Clinton. “They could very accurately summarize their life experience. You know, their view of the world was different from the views of other people, so communicating with them was incredibly interesting.

I always got something useful from them. "-" What is the most valuable advice you have received in your life? "-" Do not expect from people that they cannot give you. Not everyone has enough emotions to give you the love you need. If you learn to do this, you will no longer suffer ... "

Watch the video: John Travolta's House In Florida - 2017 Inside & Outside (July 2024).