Sharmila Dance Extravaganza Dance Festival, Dubai, UAE

The famous Sharmila Kamte dance festival will be held in Dubai.

Location:Dubai Centerpoint Theater - Dubai Community Theater & Arts Center (DUCTAC)
Organizer: Centerpoint theater
  • Entrance tickets 175-225 AED
  • On the theater website
    Time spending:14.30 and 19.30
    The date of the:April 20, 2018 - April 21, 2018

    The famous dance festival of Sharmila Kamte Sharmila Dance Extravaganza

    will be held again in Dubai. More than 150 artists are expected to attend and a bright celebration of costumes, flowers and lights on the stage of the DUCTAC municipal theater.

    Watch the video: Skechers Presents the Sharmila Dance Extravaganza 2013 (July 2024).