Michelin-starred chef serving dinner at Dubai resort

Michelin-starred chef Yannick Alleno returns to Dubai to delight residents and guests with a special dinner.

Residents and guests of Dubai again have a unique opportunity to catch chef Yannick Alleno, a three-Michelin-starred chef, to prepare sumptuous dishes. The maestro returns to Dubai to serve Legend Dinners. On October 22 and 23, he will create in the kitchen of the STAY restaurant at One & Only The Palm Resort.

Yannick prepared two exciting menus - from four and from six dishes. The cost of the first is 680 dirhams ($ US 185) per person and 1180 dirhams with drinks ($ US 321), and a six-course menu will cost 880 and 1580 dirhams ($ US 239 and $ US 430).

For reservations and further information, please call +971 4 440 10 30 and at [email protected]

Watch the video: Chef Twins in Bangkok - MIDNIGHT CRISPY PORK LEG + German Food at Michelin Star Restaurant Sühring! (May 2024).