UAE authorities prohibit gender and race in job postings

UAE authorities have banned the mention of gender and race in job postings, considering it discrimination.

Dubai, UAE. Companies operating in the United Arab Emirates are not allowed to indicate the gender, race or ethnicity of candidates in job advertisements, as the government considers such claims to be racial, gender or ethnic discrimination.

Such a warning was issued by the Ministry of Human Resources and Emirate of the UAE. The agency also clarified that it condemns any advertisement that excludes applicants from the list of applicants for employment for the indicated reasons. “Such prejudices have no place either in announcements or in the UAE’s society,” the ministry said.

Statements were a reaction to the announcement of the kindergarten, which was looking for an English teacher of "European descent and with white skin." Social media users condemned the announcement and criticized the kindergarten administration.

It is worth recalling that on the territory of the UAE, Federal Law No. 2 of 2015 on Combating Discrimination and Hate is in force, which criminalizes discrimination on religious, racial and ethnic grounds.

Watch the video: Amnesty International Slams UAE Ahead of F1 Race (July 2024).