On the beaches of Dubai will be on duty female teams of rescuers

Only female rescue teams will be on duty on the beaches of the emirate of Dubai.

Dubai, UAE. On the public beaches of Dubai, fully female rescue teams will soon be on duty. Currently, 12 women are undergoing training, but the Dubai police plan to increase their number to 16 by the end of this year.

A two-month beach safety campaign is currently underway in Dubai. The police noted that the number of drowned people decreased from 35 - in 2016 to 28 - in 2017. Law enforcement officers urge all bathers to observe safety measures and not to enter the water after sunset.

100 professional lifeguards are on duty at seven public beaches in Dubai and 30 first-aid stations are equipped. During the days of the campaign, police patrols will explain safety rules to beach visitors.

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