Hotel Occupancy in Dubai - Highest in MENA Region

Dubai hotels showed the highest occupancy in the Middle East and North Africa region.

Dubai, UAE. In 2017, Dubai hotels showed the highest occupancy in the Middle East and North Africa region - an average of 77.7%. The closest pursuer is the Abu Dhabi hotels, where occupancy rate fluctuated at 77.1%, according to the report of the international consulting company EY.

The document notes that Dubai also showed the highest average yield per room - US $ 189 in 2017, ahead of Saudi Jeddah - US $ 170. Meanwhile, compared with 2016, revenue fell by 6.2%, while in Abu Dhabi - 2.6%.

The average rental rate for a room in Dubai fell by 4.4% to US $ 243, the average annual occupancy rate also fell by 1.4%.

In 2018, as EY predicts, tourism will actively develop thanks to the introduction of new megaprojects and the implementation of a number of government initiatives. Last year, the abolition of the market was facilitated by the abolition of visas for tourists from Russia, as well as increased interest from tourists from India and China.

Watch the video: Dubai hotels top MENA for occupancy, room rates during Q1 (July 2024).