Spivakov. Dots ...

Great music, squeezed into the perimeter of a small hall, will still remain great in essence. A great man, squeezed into the framework of a half-hour conversation with several journalists, still remains a great personality. On the digital megabytes of the recorder are the words and thoughts of the great Spivakov. Dots that make you think ...

About self-worth

"Hello, hello! Excuse me for being late ..."

"Not worth it, Vladimir Teodorovich! Vasto, we are ready to wait a long time!" - interrupting each other, we sincerely answer.

"What are you, what are you! Who am I to keep you waiting ... Sorry ..." - smiling softly and, like a schoolboy, embarrassingly lowering penetrating brown eyes ...

About the concert in Dubai and art

“The first feeling is that Dubai is an exceptionally clean city. This is the first feeling, we don’t see much, we do concerts more than sightseeing.

Once I was here, it was in Dubai, as a guest, because you just can’t get here, prices still bite. You can come here either at the invitation of friends who quit playing the violin at one time, or about a concert. This time, the concert opportunity coincided with the birthday of my wife Sati, such a nice present: a concert in her honor. Everyone was satisfied: the audience, and Sati, and we.

The Arab countries are a special world that the West will not be able to change, no matter how much it wants to. We need to accept all things as they are ... "

Perhaps it was a concert with elements of spiritual light. I think that anyone should bring light into the world. Since notes are encoded human emotions, art is designed to turn the human soul towards beauty and light. Music as a religion: the priest does not care how many people listen to him, five thousand or five. You need to speak "with a smart heart," as Stanislavsky said ... "

About genes, society, fate and obstacles ...

“When the word fate is spoken, I think that the first principle of everything is genes, one way or another. Of course, the parental genes are strong in me. But humanity transmits not only genetic information, but also spiritual heritage from century to century. In man, they coexist as genetically embedded features, and formed under the influence of society.

I believe that every child has a huge talent, unique minerals. The whole question is where it will be directed, and how society forms this or that person. In order for a person to become a Person with a capital letter, from my point of view, three things are necessary: ​​the presence of abilities or talent, the presence of great examples, because one way or another, children look at adults, and the presence of obstacles. It’s the obstacles, oddly enough, that enable the body to survive and develop. "

About intuition in art

“The prodigy follows the intuitive path. At some point, awareness comes, and then a little man, when he is 13-14 years old, begins to be amazed at himself and the world around him. At this point, many break down.

There was such a man - Paul Valerie, who said that intuition without knowledge is an accident. Of course, the priority of art is an intuitive way. Pushkin in Mozart and Salieri showed us that the winner is not the one who can corrode like a corpse, music or art, but the person who is led by intuition. There is a moment of intuition, but the mind must be prepared.

Intuition is magic, metaphysics, something that leads you beyond your will and confirms the presence of the Creator ... "

About the mission of life

“I have three areas of activity: Moscow Virtuosi, 27 years old, the Russian National Philharmonic Orchestra, which is 4 years old, and the Children's Fund, which I organized 13 years ago. Over 13 years, more than 8,000 children have received disinterested help. it seems the most worthy and important in my life.I’m not inclined to think that everyone will become geniuses, like Zhenya Kisin, who was given the piano: Zhenya was 16 years old, and he played the piano from the rental office, on which 15 keys did not work But if children grow up in an atmosphere of love, they will continue to they’ll bring love to the world. This is perhaps my main mission ... "

About human ownership

"For me, as a person, this is very important. Chernobyl, for example. At that moment, Virtuosi toured in Austria. An Austrian friend, the Minister of Energy, invited me to dinner. When I told him that Virtuosi was going to go to Kiev, while we ate the first, he tried to convince me to refuse. Then we went to the second, he insisted on his own. When they served coffee, he realized that he couldn’t dissuade him, and gave me a list of necessary things: gloves, mineral water, canned food ...

When we arrived in Kiev, no one believed that this was true; we wanted to show human involvement in people who survived the tragedy. Having entered the stage, the orchestra did not make a single sound for the first 20 minutes: the whole hall stood and cried, and the musicians cried.

During the earthquake in Armenia, we performed in Florence. After the concert on the street, I saw nuns who were standing with such a small chest, on which was written "Help to the victims of the Armenian earthquake." I asked how much they scored. It turned out that only 10 thousand lire, an insignificant amount. On the same day, we gave a concert for one and a half thousand spectators, which was addressed by my friend senator, who asked the audience to donate to the “Assistance Fund of Armenia”. Then we collected almost 50 thousand dollars! Haydn's farewell symphony was played by candlelight ... I won’t talk much about it, not very well, I think. You need to be involved in grief and do something. And let people remember ... "

About the spirit of consumerism and creation

"Consumerism in the spiritual sphere leads to a depletion of the level of society, but artists are not to blame for this. Artists do not think about wealth, but show business imposes a certain style on them.

However, things are changing for the better. I clearly see that our province is fed up with the Factory of Stars. She wants to hear the eternal, imperishable. Christ said: "Man does not live by bread alone." This must not be forgotten ... "

About the desert

“This summer I was lucky: I was invited to Africa in Namibia. When I visited the Namibian desert, I understood why Jesus Christ spent 40 days there. We all think that the desert is just a desert and there is nothing in it. But actually in fact, I saw that the desert is a museum of creation, to summarize. There is a transfiguration of the soul. It really worked for me ... "

About Eastern and European music ...

"Eastern and European music are different cultures, of course, but somewhere there are common ground. It is better not to compare them. These are two different worlds. There is a greater penetration of Eastern music into European than European into Eastern. Many traditional elements inherent in the East , were used by modern composers, for example, the new Viennese school: pentatonic, unison game. In painting, this penetration is felt more sharply.

We just don’t know Arab musicians, I think that they exist and somehow influence the human soul with their art. It seems to me that the dissolution of one art in another is optional. They can perfectly coexist in parallels ... "

Anastasia Zorina,
Victor Lebedev

Watch the video: Lucienne Renaudin Vary et Trio Duchemin. Polka Dots and Moonbeams Van Heusen (June 2024).