Biker rides east

On February 17, an event occurred that will surely go down in the history of sports of the Emirates. The first motorcyclist competition in the country took place at the Dubai circuit. The installation race of the UAE motorbike championship, organized by EMSF, provided everyone with the opportunity to share the excitement of the competition. Most of the participants performed on standard road bikes.

Entrance to the circuit was free; training and qualification races took place in the morning, and the race itself began at 13.30. The event was covered by the Gear One satellite TV channel. In total, the program included seven separate competitions, each of which consisted of training and qualification races, and two racing competitions.

The championship in a new sport for the country was open to all iron horse riders with two- or four-cylinder engines. Machines should not have been modified compared to the standard design. Allowed only cosmetic changes, such as moving lights. All motorcycles could reach speeds of up to 285 km / h, accelerating to "weave" in 2.5 seconds.

“These races have become not only a spectacular sight, but also one of the most important sporting events in the world,” said Matthew Normann, EMSF Special Events and Club Work Manager.

Watch the video: Biker Gang riding on the California 580 East (July 2024).