Carpe Diem. Seize the moment

Interviewed: E. Olkhovskaya

The name of the unique Carpe Diem furniture salon is translated as “seize the moment”, and the original belongs to Horace, who first used this expression in his poem “Odes”.

The young and very energetic owner of the salon, Tanya Williams, seems to have “caught” the right moment in time, and now she is proud to talk about the magnificent collections of furniture and home accessories that once went to the Emirates through her efforts.

Tanya, please tell me why you started selling furniture and household goods, because there seems to be no shortage of furniture stores in the UAE?

When I arrived in Dubai in 1995, the lack of furniture stores was felt very sharply. I then worked at a bank, and my activity was in no way connected with interiors. Then my child was born, and I began to spend more time at home. That's when I started looking for suitable furniture for our home. And, frankly, I didn’t find anything suitable for my taste. Yes, and the choice was, frankly, small - either IKEA, or furniture stores in Sharjah, offering products in the Arabic style, with an abundance of gilding, pillows, tassels. In general, this did not suit me. Especially when I flew home on vacation, and saw beautiful and stylish European furniture in the windows, I really wanted to buy it all and send it to the Emirates with a container.

So gradually the idea of ​​opening a store with high-quality and beautiful European furniture was born. It seems to me that I was not the only one who passionately wanted to be able to purchase good furniture in my house, people who came to the UAE for a long time were especially interested in this. I began to study the furniture market in Europe, and was one of the first to find Grange. When I invited her to present my products in the Middle East, Grange was delighted and agreed to work with me. Since this all started. I found a place for a future store in the mall Town Center. It was opened in October 2001.

What complements the Grange furniture collections?

After Grange, I agreed to work with other great brands that complement the range of my store. For example, from recent arrivals - luxurious kitchens from La Cornue. But so far, Grange is my best supplier and the best company I have ever worked with. Today they are more and more recognized in the world, which is an advantage for me. Even in Russia, Grange now has several of its salons open. Many buyers, coming to my store, are already familiar with the brand and ask about the availability of certain items from the collection, since they already have some part.

Tanya, how do you feel as the hostess of a beautiful furniture salon after working in the banking sector?

A beautiful and comfortable house, furnished with good furniture, has always been my passion. Even in childhood, I really liked flipping through magazines on the interior, looking at beautiful pictures. And when I started selling furniture and home decor items, I realized that all my life I wanted to do just that. Of course, it was very difficult for me at first. I made a lot of mistakes. Although, I still make them today (laughs). It’s just that there are so many people from different countries living in Dubai with completely different tastes that it’s hard to predict what will be in demand and what will not. And it’s not at all a fact that those things that I personally like will appeal to customers. But I, nevertheless, was very lucky. Grange supports me in everything. Even in failures.

Was it difficult to prove to the local market that you are a worthy representative of the clan of business women?

At the time when I started my own business, there were practically no women in the business community of the Emirates. They now work even in the government of the country, and then .... Also a European, with her fantasies. But, everything turned out to be not as complicated as I imagined it, especially since my local sponsor is also a woman. And it was easier for us to find a common language. She helped me a lot. You know, it’s always good when there is a person nearby who knows the Arabic language.

Who are your main customers today?

I would say - the elite, people with the means. The circle of my clients changed a little when the construction boom began, and many bought property in Dubai. Buyers from all countries and continents began to come to me. As for the local residents of the UAE, at first they were not very willing to go to Carpe Diem, and now more and more young local couples are buying furniture from me. Apparently, their tastes and views on their own housing have changed somewhat. But in general, I would say that the main contingent of buyers is people aged 35 and older.

Have you had the experience of fully furnished an apartment or house from "A" to "Z" at the request of the buyer?

We have completed several such orders, and one of the clients was citizens of Kazakhstan who bought several apartments in Dubai. Again, they knew well about the Grange brand, so they came to us purposefully. It is always great to work for people who value real quality, are willing to pay the appropriate money for it, and pay tribute to good service.

The salon that you have today is quite small, and it is probably impossible to display the entire range in it ...

Usually, we supply furniture to order. Clients can choose samples of interest from the catalog available in the salon. Moreover, they can even choose the color of upholstery that suits them and the shade of the furniture itself.

How long does it take to process and receive such an order?

We send the order to France, and the buyer needs to wait for his furniture from 4 to 5 months. These deadlines usually suit everyone, since before the furniture arrives, clients often work with interior designers and complete basic repairs and finishing work in their home or apartment.

As far as I know, your salon has its own interior designer ....

Yes, and he can give a lot of professional advice. However, usually clients come to us when their housing is ready, so they only need advice on the color or style of the interior. Or the ideas of the "finishing touches". At the request of customers, we can sew curtains, lay floors, and install a turnkey kitchen. If customers buy furniture from us, the services of our designer are provided to them free of charge. Here, in the UAE, this is a very common phenomenon, so many, not only the elite, can afford design services.

Have you ever thought about changing the location of your salon, closer to the main consumer traffic?

Of course I thought. I'm still not sure about the timing, but I would like to move my showroom to Dubai Mall. A special consumer culture has formed here - to do shopping in shopping centers, and this cannot be ignored. Those who know about us will come to this salon, but there are many residents of Dubai who do not go to the old Jumeirah region at all. The city has become too large, and it is simply unprofitable for many to leave far from home when there is any shopping center nearby.

What are your future plans?

Now it’s quite difficult to plan something. But I always go forward. Soon we will present in the local market a new brand of luxury upholstered furniture, which is in great demand in Europe. In our stores magnificent billiards will be sold. I believe that it is necessary to introduce products that no one else has. This is what attracts exclusive buyers, and they are our main segment. They need furniture that they will pass on to their descendants. Therefore, the furniture presented here is beyond competition, and moreover, it is timeless. Its quality allows you to use it for centuries. Therefore, I invite all your readers to our salon. Believe me, we will be able to surprise and please them. Thanks, Tanya.

I wish you continued success.

Watch the video: "Carpe diem. Seize the day." - Dead Poets Society (July 2024).