To the sounds of an ageless waltz ...

Based on materials kindly provided by Russian private schools in Dubai and Sharjah

Last bell and graduation party. These words are stored in the memory of every person. Someone more, some less, but no one will deny that over the years these two events make us feel sad with sadness how quickly the "wonderful school days" passed. And the farther they are from us today, the more clearly we understand that a carefree time called CHILDHOOD will never return to us ....

Dubai Russian private school - farewell to the "Unique"

Each school graduation for the Russian Private School in Dubai is a significant event. Indeed, the guys go into the "big life" and carry in their hearts the memory of the school and its traditions, of friends and comrades and their teachers. The "Last Call" on May 25, 2009 was no exception. Russian school in Dubai escorted students from their 13th happy graduation. At the celebration, organized on the stage of the Grand Hotel in Sharjah, the red sails of the 11th-grade student ship with the symbolic name “Unique” soared upwards. Everything on this day was solemn and sad for the children. As if saying goodbye to a new ship leaving for its first voyage, teachers instructed their pupils, giving the children good memory small sailboats - a symbol of bright thoughts and aspirations.

Graduates that day cried and laughed together with the guests of the holiday, remembering the best moments of their school life and dreaming of a happy future. Eleven years ago, they went to first grade, and this happened in different cities of Russia and the CIS - Moscow, Severomorsk, Minsk, Mogilev, Tashkent, Alma-Ata, Ashgabat, Zaporozhye, Bishkek. Fate ordered that, having arrived in Dubai from different countries, Russian-speaking children of different nationalities graduated from the Russian private school and received a Russian certificate of secondary education. The children sincerely thanked their school teachers, saying touching, kind words of farewell to them. The warmest words came from the lips of the graduates to their class teacher - Lyudmila Denisovna Kashurnikova, a teacher "from God", a candidate of philological sciences, the author of more than 30 publications on English grammar.

“Last call” is an important result of school education for parents of graduates. After all, they went to this day with their children. Over the years of study, parental hearts have experienced a lot - the happiness of friendship, the anxieties of first love, and the joy of success, and the bitterness of failure. At the festival, parents gave their children sincere words of their faith in them and boundless love. And the technical duo of Irina and Ruslana Nikonov’s family didn’t prevent them from performing a wonderful song about faith in each other.

As usual, not a single school holiday can do without a solemn ceremony of honoring "the best of the best." The school is justly proud of all its graduates who graduate with honors. There are such students in the current issue. Symbolic medals for 11 years of study were only "perfectly" awarded at the "Last Call" by Valeria Bessonova, Natalya Silchenko, Liliya Khassanshina. The Russian school in Dubai also monitors the further fate of its graduates and their education. Most of the students from the 2009 edition decided to continue their studies at universities in the UAE.

In the Russian School of Dubai over the years of its work, many glorious traditions were born that are preserved thanks to the excellent teachers, their talent and skill. One of these traditions is the Kalinka school dance group. Every year, graduates leave Kalinka, those who throughout the years of their studies created its fame and prestige. Every student takes it as an honor to dance in this collective. So, at the “Last Call”, the artistic director of the group Natalya Viktorovna Andriyanenko handed mementos to her artists - Timur Turdiev, Anastasia Banina and Alexandra Goncharova. For Timur, his last performance was truly a "finest hour" - and the sea dance, and the composition "Tim Molodets" were enthusiastically greeted by the audience.

Eleventh graders were seen off on this day and the smallest students of the school - the children from the preparatory and first grades. They danced and read fervent verses about their senior comrades, sailing to the "departing ship" on a rowboat. “I’ll grow up a bit and also go to the distant sea!”, - so they finished their speech with hope.

Not without surprises. This time it was prepared by the guys whose older brothers and sisters graduated from school this year. Poems with touching words “I’m glad that you were born before me in the proud title of elder sister” were heard from the lips of Ruslan Khasanshin and Lisa Bessonova, and Yegor Mostovoi told everyone about his brother “My elder brother, my strongest and biggest ! "

The holiday came to an end, a farewell song sounded in the finale: "My trace will be washed away by the wave, and I will come to the shore again in the morning" ... The children will leave the school and leave wonderful memories of themselves, and there will live in their hearts a school that carried a symbolic journey ship "Unique". God grant you! Goodbye! Good afternoon!

Sharjah. Russian private school №1 "With faith, hope, love!"

“Listen! After all, if the stars are lighting up, then does anyone need this?”, These words began the greeting-farewell speech of the school principal Elena Mikhailovna Kurlykova, at the traditional solemn and at the same time sad festival “Alumni School Ball”. And the answer whispered through the hall: "It is necessary! Our school! It is necessary to light the stars of friendship, faith, hope, love, kindness. It is necessary for the stars of Wisdom and Knowledge to burn forever! It is necessary! Because when we light these stars, we also glorify the great Russian "classical culture, which for centuries has created its unique structure, Russian school education."

Another 22 graduates graduated from the Sharjah Russian Private School this year. Beautiful, gentle, dear ... What path will each of them choose? Will they remember their school "Man"? It was this graduation class who came up with such an affectionate name for the entire large school community: the union of teachers, students and parents. It was at a meeting of the school Parliament that one of the decisions made was the most significant - to always have a human conscience and honor, which smoothly passed into such an unusual name: "Man Man". And everyone in “Man Man” knows: the most proud creation of nature is Man. Earth and sky, high mountains, stormy rivers and wide, deep oceans obeyed him. He who preserves everything, subordinate and mastered, is called a man. The one who destroys, destroys, the one who does not have access to the feelings of goodness, faith, love - cannot be it.

Pupils of the Russian school in Sharjah have long organized a literary club "Almanac", where the "Samizdat" school magazine is published under the same name. This school year, the magazine was published for all the school’s major events. But the most memorable were two "samizdat." The first magazine bore an unusual title: "Black and white pages about the colorfulness of love." The poems of the “Silver Age” poets were printed in it, illustrations for poems were drawn, and in the second part, under the heading “Sample of the Pen”, poems of school students were published.

The impulse and great desire to make and release this issue brought a literary evening dedicated to the work of the poets of the Silver Age. The hall was divided by a continuous line of flaming candles. On one side, on the spread out carpets on the floor, spectators sat. On the other - a recreated living room of the poetry salon of Dmitry Merezhkovsky and Zinaida Gippius. And from the depths of that time, images of Anna Akhmatova, Nikolai Gumilyov, Vladimir Mayakovsky and Sergey Yesenin, Konstantin Balmont - “The Paganini of the Verse”, the king of poets - Igor Severyanin and the still young Marina Tsvetaeva went out into the hall ... School students - Alena Grigoryev, Seyran Ibragimov, Anya Nesterovich, Ivan Zemchenko, Kim Zhirnov, Rufat Khalilov, Lilya Kaneeva definitely got used to poetic images. They read poetry the way poets themselves read them at one time. The music of romances and waltzes of that time poured into reading. And then Mozart’s “Requiem” sounded ... Slowly the images of poets went into the blue haze of memory, and the Samizdat Almanac and verses, those that sounded and sounded, remaining in memory, appeared in the soul in the flame of candles ...

The audience got up, many had tears in their eyes. And each pressed to his chest the number of the “Samizdat” school “Almanac” as a memory of that extraordinary unity of thoughts, feelings, poetic mood and the sound of magnificent verses. The second memorable Samizdat issue of the Almanac entitled Flowers and Gunpowder was dedicated to the memory of the grandfathers and great-grandfathers of schoolchildren who went through the front lines of the Great Patriotic War, who knew the terrible Stalinist dungeons of the Gulag, the memory of all those hungry and cold, destitute, who, having been under national repressions of the inhuman political machine, they lost their home, their native land, were sent to exile: to Siberia and Kazakhstan, Transbaikalia and the Far East. And on the blue silk, a twenty-meter canvas stretched on the school wall, gold and silver stars with their names flickered. These names, stories of grandchildren and great-grandchildren were printed on the pages of the school "Almanac". Bit by bit the collected history of all the grandfathers and great-grandfathers of the school "Man".

It is with this part of the Lomonosov ode that the subject Olympiads begin every year at the school, which pass in defense of students' term papers and research at the school scientific and practical conference. The leading teachers of the school, the authors of their own methods, are trying to develop universal ability to study in talented, gifted students, and each student in the school loves and thirsts for learning. In preparation for a scientific conference, teachers and students become partners in achieving one goal, in research research, in discovering the truth. And students begin to understand the motto of the school’s partners - Krasnoyarsk University Gymnasium “Univers” (No. 1), recognized in 2008/2009 as the best school in Russia: “Not for school, for life we ​​study” (from the Latin “VITAE, NON SCHOLAE, DISCIMUS”) .

This is also understood by graduates of the first-level school, students of the 4th grade, who at their holiday, like the eleventh graders, also said goodbye to primary education, to the first teacher. 24 students from the 4th grade solemnly moved to the secondary school. And their place was taken by graduates of the kindergarten preparatory group. They entered the hall timidly, looking back at their playground, at the open doors of the study room, a relaxation room and a game. And so runs the time of school lessons, days, weeks, years .... The grandchildren of teachers already took a place in the younger group of kindergarten, and yesterday (this is a teacher's expression of feelings) first-graders somehow very quickly completed their full secondary education. And the traditional teacher’s wish sounds to the sounds of the school bell and farewell school waltz: “Fly, doves! Let the bell ringing protect you from all sides!”.

Watch the video: Под звуки нестареющего Вальса Under sounds ageless Waltz (July 2024).