Passenger traffic at Dubai International Airport increased by 16%

The volume of passenger traffic at Dubai International Airport (DIA) increased during the first six months of this year by 16.3% compared to the same period last year.

From January to June this year, 22,554,445 passengers used the services of the Dubai International Airport. Last year, over the same period of time, this indicator amounted to 19,397,089. In June of this year, 3,684,292 passengers used DIA services, which is 9.6% more than last year, when the number of passengers reached 3,361,413.

Between January and June, the total volume of DIA cargo transportation increased by 26% and amounted to 1 101 856 tons. Last year, this figure was 874,828 tons.

The average monthly passenger traffic in the first half of the year amounted to 3.7 million people, while last year this figure was 3.1 million people. The average daily passenger flow in the DIA reached 123 thousand people.

In addition, during the indicated period of time, various airlines made 145 flights to DIA to 21 new destinations in Asia, Europe and Africa. Currently, the airport serves 130 airlines worldwide, flying to 220 destinations around the world.

Watch the video: Oman airport traffic (July 2024).