Russian culture and traditions demonstrated in Sharjah

On March 31 and April 1, one of the most prestigious universities in the UAE - the American University of Sharjah (AUS), hosted another large-scale student youth festival called "Day of All Cultures" (Global Day). The festival, calling for world peace, is organized once a year under the patronage of the Emirate’s ruler Sharjah, His Highness Sheikh Sultan bin Muhammad Al Cassimi. One of the participants in this festival was the well-known student in the UAE, the Russian Cultural Club (RKK).

The current festival, which became the 13th in a row, has gathered an extensive geography of cultural and ethnic university clubs. So the total number of participants totaled 25, of which the most exotic for the Middle East region were the Somali and Brazilian cultural clubs. In addition to the regular participants of the festival, this year student clubs of Azerbaijan and Armenia joined it. Thus, it can be noted that the total number of youth organizations from the CIS at this university is rapidly increasing.

What is interesting about the Day of All Cultures? First of all, this is a single platform on which for a very short time you can get acquainted with the life of different peoples: architecture, attractions, customs, traditions, national cuisine, costumes and so on. Each club adorns its pavilion in a national manner so that its guests can find themselves for a moment, not in the UAE, but in the country that this or that youth organization represents. In addition, each club takes part in the traditional display of national costumes, the distribution of souvenirs, the presentation of concert numbers and the performance of traditional music.

The opening ceremony of the 13th student festival was solemnly held by the Crown Prince of the Emirate of Sharjah, Sheikh Sultan bin Mohammed bin Sultan Al Cassimi, as well as the rector of the university Peter Hiss, vice-rector for student events Moza Alshehni, director of student events Munkis Taha and other officials.

It is pleasant to note that RKK, representing Russia at this event, looked like one of the most active clubs of the festival. During the traditional opening ceremony and tour of all the pavilions, RKK activists told their distinguished guests about the exposition of their stand, designed in the form of the Moscow Kremlin with the Spasskaya Tower and chimes. The current RSC exposition was dedicated to the Year of Cosmonautics in Russia and is decorated with photographs of the first cosmonaut of the planet Yuri Gagarin, the first female cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova, the legendary space rocket designer Sergey Korolyov, as well as the famous Soyuz and Proton spacecraft and the Baikonur cosmodrome. Festival officials and guests praised the theme of the stand, while congratulating Russia on the 50th anniversary of the first manned space flight. At the end of the tour, the club activists talked about their current activities, the events in which they took part, and plans for the future.

An excellent addition to the participation of the RKK in the Day of All Cultures was the dance numbers of students of the Russian Music Center in Sharjah, who brilliantly performed incendiary Russian folk dances.

The traditional dishes of Russian and Tatar cuisine, prepared by the Kazan restaurant in Sharjah, were also enjoyed by all the guests of the festival. This year, as part of a traditional fashion show, RKK activists presented Russian, Ukrainian and Tatar national costumes. I must say that not a single participating club had such a variety of costumes, apart from, perhaps, only the well-known national clothing of the Gulf countries.

According to the organizers, over two days of the event, more than 10 thousand people visited it. RKK thanks the sponsors of their participation in the festival: the restaurant Kazan and personally the director Ravz Kalyamovna Bikmanova, the head of the DAN agency Ismagil Kalyamovich Shangareev, the computer company Al Hosani Computers, and the general information sponsor Publishing House Russian Emirates.

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