ADTA Office Introduces New Catering Evaluation System

The Abu Dhabi Tourism Authority (ADTA) plans in 2012 to put in place a new restaurant rating system for the Abu Dhabi emirate in order to raise the standards of restaurant service quality.

In 2009, a single five-star hotel rating system was introduced in the metropolitan emirate, replacing the principle of self-determination of hotels by service categories. The next step in standardizing the tourism industry in Abu Dhabi should be the introduction of a restaurant service rating system.

The classification of restaurants into categories reflecting the quality of restaurant services will be carried out in stages, starting with restaurants related to hotels.

The main parameter for assessing ADTA quality in this area will be the level of service, while the quality control of the products used will remain the prerogative of the Abu Dhabi Food Sanitary Control Authority.

A unified system for evaluating restaurant service will significantly increase the standards of service in hotel restaurants in Abu Dhabi and will ensure an influx into the emirate of both regulars and new customers of the respective restaurant chains.

Watch the video: Food Metrics : Unearthing Hidden Data (July 2024).